
Monday, February 25, 2008

Research: Appeal to Teens

I am not sure whether visiting sites targeting at teenagers was the best idea, since usually such styles are based on personal preferences and likings therefore it may not always be very accurate. As a teenager myself I still basically am attracted to cartoons. :| Bahaha.


Contradicting (fuzzymonster)Yun Yu's post, in fact I found this site to be rather pastel coloured, more soothing to view, and with less rollovers. But this is an interactivity design project afterall....

I am assuming this site was built to target at teenagers, and honestly so far I think they have been rather successful because my friends are actually psycho-ing me to get an account there too.
Allows user to create their avatar and dress up, vote & compete for the best looking, graphic wise, errr... if that's supposed to appeal then I guess so... but props to them because they have animated banners.
Killing two birds with one stone~ Using this as a reference/research for frontpages, they have signin, Top gamers, announcements (can use to boast), and further links to the games, community which will require login on click.

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